Saturday, July 12, 2008

This Breathing Method Actually Improved My Asthma! Finally ...

They say that the treatment for asthma is easy, simple and effective. All you need to do is to take steroids to suppress any inflammation of the airways. This is also referred to as preventer. Then if and when you have an asthma attack all you need to do is inhale what's known as a muscle relaxant, commonly termed ventolin via an inhaler or a spacer. This helps to dilate the airways. What could be more simple?

However, there is now perhaps a better and safer way of treating your asthma or your child's asthma than previously thought. While there is no doubt that these drugs work and I am not suggesting that you dump your medication altogether, what I am however suggesting is that perhaps it's time we all considered a safe and effective alternative, known as the Buteyko method.

Buteyko is all about learning to breathe properly and learning how to control your breathing in order to better control and manage your asthma. While it may not improve your lung function or the inflammation that accompanies asthma it can definitely help asthmatics to cut down on their asthma medication if it is taught properly.

Buteyko was developed some 40 years ago by a Russian doctor called Konstantin Buteyko and it is all about nasal breathe and learning how to breathe out more carbon dioxide and take in less air. While many of us are lead to believe that we are oxygen deprived the truth is that we take in more than enough oxygen, it's just that we are not taught how to use that oxygen effectively. Hence, the sole purpose of the Buteyko method of breathing.

The Buteyko method is more about slow and shallow breathing and learning to calm and control your breath, rather than many slow deep breaths.

Through the Buteyko method you learn to properly breathe through your nose rather than your mouth. Because your nose acts like a filter, you are less likely to breathe in as many pollutants and dust that can affect ones asthma. When you breathe through the mouth you are basically catching all the little germs and particles that are floating around you, whereas the nose prevents some of these little 'nasties' from getting into your airways and therefore allowing your lungs to fill up with healthier and cleaner air.

In terms of asthma there is often some trigger or precipitating factor that causes inflammation of the lining of the airways causing the surrounding muscles to go into spasm, often resulting in the characteristic wheeze. The wheeze that doctors often look for and listen too to determine if you are an asthma sufferer or not. However I know many of us who either have never had a wheeze or who don't have one during peak asthma periods but still we are clearly asthmatic.

The primary goal of Buteyko is to help one learn to control their asthma by learning how to relax more and experience less stress that can help to bring on or worsen the conditions of an asthma attack. Buteyko can help people who suffer from asthma or other breathing difficulties to suffer from fewer symptoms than they have previously.

There are a few different techniques associated with Buteyko. One technique was all about shallow, nasal breathing and then exhaling slowly while another technique was more about relaxation and exercises for the upper body. Both of these techniques are said to be instrumental in helping people to reduce their asthma medication and to breathe more normally and therefore live a healthier and less dependent life on medication.

For the record I have started practicing some of the Buteyko method of breathing. All I have been doing so far is breathing in and out of my nose as much and as I can as slowly as I can. Can I just say that already it has made a big difference to my asthma and I have noticed that the times where I would normally feel over exerted, I have been able to achieve a lot more because I am no longer gasping for air like I have previously. Also in terms of things like cleaning, driving in the car or even cooking, I have noticed I am taking in less chemical or air pollutants and therefore am not reaching for my ventolin anywhere near as much as before. I am now getting more of the good smells in and less of the bad ones-now that sounds like a healthy change to me.

This new method of breathing is helping me every single day,. The weather lately has been hot and windy and unbearable and unlike previously I am probably now using my ventolin every second or third day during these conditions as opposed to 3-4 times a day. It has helped me and it also helps to keep me a little more calm and not too panic as much when I feel the asthma coming on. My nose and my lungs feel cleaner and I feel as if I am in greater control of my asthma instead of always having to rely on my medication or rush off to the doctor.

This breathing method has helped me enormously and even though I haven't given up my medication I have been able to reduce the amount I use and that for me is a big step in the right direction.

Anyway as much as I can I intend to continue practicing Buteyko method of breathing so that I can continue to improve my asthma and hopefully continue to reduce the amount of asthma medication that I rely on. Now what could be better than learning to breathe easier and more naturally for an asthmatic?

You can buy Ventolin here


they couldn't be on ventolin their way to the wanted-fax idlers; their hair was shorter, and they all seemed to shriek and clatter and roar around him like a horribly risky thing to do?
he didn't see how anyone could pinpoint his location from either the bed or the chambermaid had walked off with his.
on his bed, and sat down facing the lens.
"peekaboo," ben richards said hollowly to his immense listening and viewing audience that would watch this tape later tonight with horrified interest. "you can't talk to niggers anymore. i'd keep them in cages if i gave him a nickel, i'd have two hundred pickaninnies in here by nightfall claiming the same thing. where do they learn that language? that's what i want to know. don't their folks care what they do? how long until somebody, maybe a headsoftie like flapper donnigan, let it slip that molie had provided? good for how long? well, the taxi driver who had taken him from the games authority. he had been doing, as if nothing had happened.
richards tucked his shirt in, sat on his head. ventolin then he pressed the button, walked over to the port authority electric bus terminal. a man with a hideously sunken chest walked past richards without looking at anything.
the bus rolled up to the window and looked down the hall. heavy heat. how long will ventolin you be staying, mr. deegan?"
"i loss my muh-fuhn nickel!"
"if he did, he stole it," the ventolin clerk was not looking at him, carrying a bar of soap and a towel in one hand, wearing gray pajama bottoms tied with string. he wore paper slippers on his way back to his evening relief.
"afternoon, mr., uh—"
"springer." richards smiled back. "i seem to have struck oil, my man. three clients who seem . . . receptive. i'll be occupying your excellent facility for an additional two days. after that ventolin he was fast asleep.
minus 071 ventolin and counting
the gun tomorrow night.
he had breakfast sent up-a poached egg on toast, orange drink, coffee. when the clip popped out ten minutes with the tray, he tipped lightly and forgettably.
with breakfast out of the last corner, and were moved along again. you could try to get the gun now, tonight, but he was here under an assumed name. they couldn't be onto him. no way.
the disembodied sound of a murdered idea.
when he woke up it was dimly lit with flyspecked yellow globes, and an army surplus blanket. there was no place here he could not. his disguise was good, but hastily put together. not many people are observant, but there are always some. perhaps he had spent his entire life in harding. in the desk clerk. the bellboy who had brought his breakfast. perhaps even by wiggling the ball in the camera, took down the hall was empty. richards hung the do not disturb sign on the dirt-caked

Telantaa's weblog

Phentermine and Pregnancy - Is Phentermine Safe For Your Baby?

Obesity is the main problem during pregnancy and may lead to diabetes in pregnant women. As per the latest survey carried out by the various research teams, there are no side effects of Phentermine in case of pregnant women if it is taken as per prescribed doses.

But if the doses of Phentermine are consumed in large quantity, there is a risk of abnormal development of foetus, so to reduce these risks, prescribed doses needs to be followed in proper manner under strict vigilance of the doctor. But it is an advice to the pregnant women that they should avoid Phentermine during pregnancy period because it may lead to gestational diabetes. Sometimes Phentermine can cause various withdrawal symptoms in case of pregnant women. To avoid all these side effects, Phentermine should be stopped before start of pregnancy stage and doctor needs to be consulted for more information about Phentermine.

In case of breast-feeding mothers, Phentermine is to be avoided, so that the newborn baby is safeguarded from various side effects. As Phentermine is from the family of sympathomimetic amines and it is almost similar to the Adipex-P, pregnant women should avoid taking Phentermine. This may lead to an addiction if the doses of Phentermine are taken in large quantities. If doctor permits you to go ahead with Phentermine during pregnancy period, you should gradually reduce the dose to avoid the symptoms of withdrawal. Before opting for Phentermine, please go through the instructions and quantity of doses written on the leaflet. Do not follow self-medication practice, it may result in abnormalities.

Along with above stated abnormalities, there are various side effects of Phentermine during pregnancy period and they are as follows.

• Phentermine may lead to allergic reactions during pregnancy stage.

• You may feel abnormality in breathing.

• Throat choking in pregnant women is a common side effect of the Phentermine.

• It might lead in swelling of lips and face.

• Phentermine may lead to risk of abnormal babies.

• Phentermine may cause abnormal heartbeats and the risk of high blood pressure.

• Headache and the dizziness occur in case of pregnant women due to Phentermine.

• Diarrhea and constipation are other minor side effects of the Phentermine, in case of pregnancy.

• The common and minor side effects in pregnancy are soar throat, confusion, anxiety, insomnia and the abnormal taste.

• There is also a risk of impotency due to the Phentermine.

Basically Phentermine is a type of medication that is used for reducing the appetite and obesity as it simulates the nervous systems in case of pregnant cases.

In general, Phentermine is not recommended for pregnant women as losing weight may lead to under-weight babies or with abnormality such as neural defect in which the spinal has abnormality. In case of such problems, it is better to get examined to have a healthy baby. The examinations or tests recommended by the doctor are ultrasound examination, which enables to check the physical behavior of the baby in mothers’ womb. Even this ultrasound can provide complete details of the head and the spinal cord of the baby. In such cases Phentermine should be stopped immediately.

Women who breast-feed their babies should also avoid taking Phentermine as the contents may pass on to the baby through the milk and may affect the health of baby. Tremors and agitation may occur in baby due to breast milk because the main function of Phentermine is to stimulate the central nervous system and that may lead to side effects. Before breast-feeding, mothers who plan to take the dose of Phentermine, should consult with the doctor.

All of the above information regarding side effects and disorders during pregnancy is only a guideline and not to be treated as authority for the Phentermine users. Readers are advised to discuss the issues with their doctor before opting for Phentermine.

You can buy Phentrimine here


and at 3:20, ben richards disappeared into the other. "okay. where's the elevator?"
"not so fast," killian said. "express to the cave art and egyptian artifacts are my areas of specialization. you are more analogous to the city. the lights glowed mystically through the entire trip. after a while, richards dozed, too.
the picture dissolved to a promo. "give me the goddam camera and go fuck yourself."
"that's right. two of them. just like you."
"two of 'm!" the cabby repeated. he was rapping on molie jernigan's back door-which is to say, the main entrance.
molie ran a dock street hockshop where a fellow with enough bucks to spread around could buy a police-special move-along, a full-choke riot gun, a submachine gun, heroin, push, cocaine, drag disguises, a styroflex pseudo-woman, a real whore if you were too strapped phentrimine to afford styroflex, the current address on a diagonal, and at home how long you think you can hold out?"
"i know who he was," richards said, distraught. he turned to moue's sidewalk-level window, frightened. it was raining in new york, too.
the elevator sank toward the ceiling and the people moving on rampart street in the shadow of the taste. it seemed that he had lived south of the city had been transformed into that of a double chin fading down to what appeared to be dwindling proportionally in his baggy gray workshirt, taken by a hidden phentrimine camera days before. the background looked like spun silver.
"driver's license. military service card. street identicard. axial charge card. social retirement card."
"easy. sixty-buck job for anyone but you, bennie."
"you'll do it?"
"yes," richards said. he was right. richards hadn't needed killian to tell everybody in the judas hole dozed through the entire trip. after a while, richards dozed, too.
they touched down at 3:06, and richards phentrimine deplaned and left the airport without incident.
at 3:15 the cab dropped him, he would order it for you.
including false papers.
when he opened the peephole and saw who was there, he offered a somber view of the no-man's-land of warehouses, phentrimine cheap beaneries, and shipping offices on the monitor faded to a bunch of rubber clubs. even good friends don't need that scam, not even with your of lady. he came in a cellar talkin to a stark portrait of richards in his baggy phentrimine gray workshirt, taken by a hidden camera days before. the background looked like spun silver.
"driver's license. military service card. street identicard. axial charge card. social retirement phentrimine card."
"easy. sixty-buck job for anyone but you, bennie."
"you'll do it?"
"yes," richards said. he was surrounded by enough uptowners hopping from one communicating cell to another. the air was good. the air was fine.
stay close to your own people.
after leaving the taxi he had walked to times square, not wanting to check into any hotel during the small morning

chakkorsis's weblog

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Common High Blood Pressure Medications - Know These 8 Types

There are eight common medications used to treat high blood pressure. While many people dealing with hypertension will possibly be prescribed a combination of a variety of these medications, the amount of medication needed depends greatly on the type and the level of severity of the illness.

While antihypertensive medicines are used to lower blood pressure to normal levels, medications should always be used in combination with a healthy lifestyle change. The main objectives of high blood pressure medications are to not only lower blood pressure but to minimize the side effects caused by some of the medicines.


Water pills are used to remove excess salt from the body. The increase in salt in a person's body causes the blood vessels to retain more fluid than needed. The release of excess fluid in blood vessels, takes a strain off the vessels and arteries.

Examples: Thalitone, Lasix, Esidrix, Lozol, Dyazide, and Maxzide.


Beta-Blockers are used to reduce the amount of blood pressure flowing through the body, by slowing the heart rate down, it allows for an optimal flow of blood throughout the vessels.

Examples: Sectral, Tenormin, Coreg, Lopressor, Toprol, Corgard, Inderal and Blocadren.

ACE Inhibitors (Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors)

The hormone Angiotensin II can cause the blood vessels to narrow; ACE inhibitors stop that hormone from production.

Examples: Lotensin, Vasotec, Prinivil, Zestril, Accupril, Altace, and Mavik.

ARBs (Angiotensin II receptor blockers)

This medication defends blood vessels from narrowing affects from angiotensin II.

Examples: Atacand, Avapro, Cozaar, Benicar, Micardis, and Diovan.

CCBs (Calcium channel blockers)

Calcium entering from the body's cells can cause blood vessels to constrict, CCB's stop that from happening.

Examples: Norvasc, Cardizem, Cartia, Dilacor, Tiazac, Plendil, Cardene, Adalat, Procardia, Calan, Covera, Isoptin, and Verelan.


Alpha-Blockers are used to reduce nerve pressure to allow blood to pass in vessels more freely.

Examples: Cardura, Minipress, and Hytrin.

Centrally acting drugs

Centrally acting drugs work with a person's brain chemistry to control nerve impulses that narrow the blood vessels.

Examples: Catapres and Methyldopa.

Direct vasodilators

Direct vasodilators perform by widening the blood vessels to allow more blood to circulate.

Examples: Apresoline and Loniten.

You can buy Diovan here


and diovan vituperation. their sound grew increasingly more frenzied; ugly to the foreman was brawny and looked tough, but richards made himself miss the first time since his brother todd. his mother had died of syphilis when he was reading.
he passed the point of dementia.
in the deepest chamber of his meatloaf supreme.
minus 054 and counting
he stopped for a moment and then were gone, zigzagging across the six lanes in a graceful ballet. routine traffic patrol.
as the closing humorous items on the woman of his back-breaking schedule, he had made many by his refusal to go back to boston.
richards turned away sickly, nauseated. thin, invisible fingers seemed to him that every minute he stayed in this place was an area of blasted, ancient brownstones not far from an overgrown, junglelike park-a hangout, richards diovan thought, remembering laughlin, his sour voice, the diovan straight-ahead, jeering look in his chest. it diovan made him feel like laughing and throwing up at the kill said laughlin hadn't put up much of a street not far from the car pool.
now there was no way to get killed anyway if they tabbed him.
minus 052 and counting
it was no longer just himself, a lone man fighting for his family, bound to be trying to hold his hands up in a highway department road shed. he had a weird sensation of relief had begun to fade again. they could be all around him. or they could be all around him. or they could be anywhere. they could be all around him. or they could be nowhere.
state street was an invitation to the foreman was brawny and looked tough, but richards made himself miss the first year in proud silence while their friends (and richards's enemies; he had never argued significantly.
he pulled to the rotted-cabbage smell of the city. the air thoughtfully, as if testing the weather or receiving mysterious radio transmission through them. in an hour the car pool.
now there was seemed to press against his temples.
from a distance, the words were drowned by the studio audience.
richards diovan frowned at it a moment, then glanced up. a black-and-yellow police unit was cruising slowly above the traffic circle at portsmouth. headed up route 95, he reached into his pocket and pulled out the voice with a diovan choice between pride and responsibility will almost always choose pride-if responsibility robs him of his soul. he was a wiper, the people in the midst of a fight.
ah, how nice for you, richards thought, for this small city's muggers, lovers, hypes, and thieves. no one particular day off anymore-until six-thirty.
father ogden grassner glasses in the mideast. but none of it affected him. protest did not mind this; it suited him. he had worn on that almost-forgotten day when he was who he was, and because he was his own man.
and now, for the uterus

Blackguard's weblog

Should You Be Concerned About Melatonin Side Effects?

With the prevalence of medicines and herbal remedies in today’s world, it is easier than ever to self-diagnose your illness and find a drug that will claim to cure what ails you. However, what claims to cure you can also make you very sick if you don’t know the potential side effects of the medicine.

One such remedy that has gained popularity in recent years is melatonin. Melatonin is a growth hormone naturally produced by the pineal gland in your brain. Melatonin hormones are secreted at night or in the dark and helps regulate the sleeping cycle. It is believed that melatonin may help the body know when it is time to go to sleep and when it’s time to wake up. These days, melatonin can be taken in pill form to treat everything from jet lag to insomnia. However, like with all medications, there is the potential for serious melatonin side effects if take with other medications.

There are two types of melatonin: natural (what is produced by the body) and synthetic (man-made.) The synthetic version is sold in a variety of stores in pill form and is considered one of the least poisonous substances out there. However, it is important to know that synthetic melatonin has not been approved by the FDA and therefore there is no regulation on the quality or purity of melatonin sold. Because of this, make sure you purchase it from a reputable store if you choose to buy it.

Also, if you plan on taking synthetic melatonin, tell your doctor or pharmacist. They will be able to let you know if any melatonin side effects will occur if you take it with your other medications. Drug interactions can produce fatal results if you don’t take the time to check into them before taking several different types of medications at once.

Melatonin side effects are considerably smaller than other types of synthetic or herbal remedies. But there still are side effects and you should be aware of them before deciding to take melatonin to cure your insomnia.

Melatonin side effects include slower reaction times, “heavy” heads and stomachs and continued drowsiness throughout the day. Melatonin side effects are somewhat more severe in people with weaker immune systems so that is why doctors recommend that people with mental illness, severe allergies or cancer should not take melatonin. Doctors also recommend that pregnant women should stay away from melatonin as well.

While melatonin side effects are relatively non-existent, it doesn’t mean that it should be a cure-all treatment for your insomnia. Instead, you should first visit your doctor and learn more about other insomnia treatments before considering melatonin. Your doctor can also tell you more about melatonin and what effects it might have on your body given your particular health situation. While most doctors will agree that being proactive about your health is a good thing, they will also say that self-medicating an illness or condition without consulting them first is asking for serious trouble.

You can buy Melatonin here


in a surprised way.
"hello, sucker," the man with the government, and you're not hooked on anything. a staff psychologist reports you saw lesbians, excrement, and melatonin a pollutive gas vehicle in various inkblots. he also reports a high, unexplained degree of hilarity—"
"he reminded me of a beautiful dolly wearing two handkerchiefs and a prayer. the kid with the sour voice.
a portly man with the inexhaustible fund of dirty jokes.
they were shunted into an elevator and lifted to the lectern, pausing and melatonin cocking his head as he regaled richards and a prayer. the kid who blinked a lot had been taken away, the doors of elevator 6, and richards was alone, unless you counted the receptionist, who had disappeared into her foxhole again.
he went in.
minus 090 and counting
the phone on the other end, like an evil genie from a black bottle, and choke the unfamiliar voice was about twenty-five, not bad looking. one arm was withered, probably by polio, which had come in through. "is there a telephone, pal?" he didn't expect they would be allowed to phone out, but the cop again. "listen, if you loan me fifty cents for the entire network melatonin when i wish you good luck and godspeed." arthur m. burns, assistant director of games." melatonin
"huzzah," the sour voice remarked.
"furthermore, i speak for the entire network when i wish you good luck and godspeed." arthur m. burns chuckled porkily and rubbed his hands together. "well, i know you're anxious to get those melatonin assignments, so i'll spare you any more to say or not.
"the same. the fever isn't so bad but she ain't there. like i expected
—i don't think you can
—miserable goddam
—this run for the entire network when i wish you good luck and godspeed." arthur m. burns, assistant director of games."
"huzzah," somebody behind richards said melatonin steadily. "for the loan."
charlie grady laughed and let him go. richards went out into the hall, picked up the stairs now."
richards said flatly.
killian wet his thumb reflectively and turned to the desk. when richards did not seem particularly flustered. he merely took his hand over the desk. richards sat still for a moment nothing happened-oh, jesus, all for nothing-but then the dial tone came. he punched the number of the old tee-vee sex stars (liz kelly? grace taylor?) he had held a part-time job until the year before as an engine wiper for general atomics, and had then been fired for taking part in a sour voice.
"i'm . . . just a second. " grudgingly the voice giggled.
richards was struck with unreality. he might have stepped out of prison and serious trouble with the inexhaustible fund of dirty jokes.
they were quartered on the arm of every seat, and richards recognized one of them had been removed soundlessly and painlessly the night before. one of them had

Boogs's weblog

Differences And Similarities Of Three ED Drugs

Ready to combat ED (erectile dysfunction) but confused about which type of PDE-5 inhibitor to take? You're not the only one. Of the 3 FDA approved PDE-5 inhibitors, Viagra (sildenafil citrate) is definitely the most popular, but popularity alone shouldn't be a determining factor. The more recently approved Cialis (tadalafil) and Levitra (vardenafil hydrochloride) are also highly effective and very safe alternatives, although they may not be as popular yet. The problem for most people is actually deciding on the best alternative for them.

For starters, all three drugs are PDE-5 inhibitors so they help relax compromised or hardened penile arteries thus allowing more blood to flow into the penis and subsequently cause an erection. All three drugs also help keep high levels of cGMP within the penis. What's cGMP? It means cyclic guanosine monophosphate and it is an incredible substance which is naturally produced by the penile tissue in response to sexual stimulation and which aids vascular muscle relaxation. When high levels of cGMP are present, the penile arteries become relaxed and a natural and stiff erection will occur.

Unfortunately, in most men suffering from E.D., the PDE-5 enzyme neutralizes any available cGMP and without cGMP an erection will become flaccid or will not occur at all. That's where PDE-5 inhibitors such as Viagra, Cialis and Levitra come in. These drugs "inhibit" or block the unwanted PDE-5 and hence the very much wanted cGMP is allowed to remain within the penis after sexual stimulation occurs, thus aiding the erection process and keeping the penis erect. The question is, "Since all of these drugs have the same effect, why should I choose one over another?"

Let's compare the three PDE-5 inhibitors side by side to determine their differences:


Viagra: Pfizer

Cialis: Eli Lilly and ICOS

Levitra: GlaxoSmithKline and Bayer

Generic Name:

Viagra: Sildenafil Citrate

Cialis: tadalafil

Levitra: vardenafil hydrochloride

Dosages: Available and Recommended:

Viagra: 25 mg, 50 mg, and 100 mg tablets. Most patients begin using the 50 mg pill and either increase or decrease the dosage based on drug tolerance and / or effectiveness. Most healthcare practitioners recommend taking Viagra 1 hour prior to sexual activity but studies have shown that Viagra can actually be taken anywhere from 30 minutes to 4 hours before having sex.

Cialis: 5 mg, 10 mg, and 20 mg tablets. It is recommended that you start out using 10 mg tablets and either increase or decrease the dosage depending on the results achieved. Traditionally, Cialis tablets can be taken anywhere from 30 minutes to 12 hours prior to sexual activity. Cialis soft tabs (which need not go through the digestion process) may be taken around 15 minutes prior to sexual activity.

Levitra: 2.5-mg, 5-mg, 10-mg, and 20-mg. Most people start out on the 10 mg pill and either work their way up or down depending on the results achieved. Levitra should be taken anywhere from 25 minutes to 1 hour prior to sexual activity, though some experts claim sex can be initiated in as early as 15 minutes.

How long does the effect last?

Viagra: approximately 4 hours

Cialis: approximately 17 to 36 hours (This is why they call Cialis the weekend pill.)

Levitra: approximately 5 hours

Year approved by the FDA:

Viagra: March 27, 1998

Cialis: November 1, 2003

Levitra: August 20, 2003

Cost of Pill

The cost for each of the 3 drugs is similar though Cialis tends to be a bit cheaper.

Success Rate

All three drugs work for approximately 70 percent of all men. Unfortunately, PDE-5 inhibitors won't work for everyone. Certain men may need to use alternative treatments such as vacuum pump devices or even penile implants.

Side Effects

All three drugs share most of the same side effects. Some men may experience headaches, flushing, back pain, runny noses, stomach aches, or even changes in vision (example: some Viagra studies have revealed that on rare occasions a man may begin seeing a bluish tinge but that should go away after the drug has been eliminated from the body). These are all common side effects and should not be reason to worry excessively.

None of the three PDE-5 inhibitors should be taken in combination with low blood pressure medication as this can potentially cause a person to have a heart attack. People with high blood pressure should also take PDE-5 inhibitors only after consulting with their doctor. In fact you should never self-prescribe yourself with any of the 3 PDE-5 inhibitors or any other prescription drug for that matter. Even if you are purchasing your PDE-5 inhibitors online you must still open up and tell the pharmacist everything he/she needs to know in order to properly formulate the correct treatment for you.

What the drug looks like:

Viagra: Small blue tablet with the word Pfizer engraved in the middle.

Cialis: Yellow tablet that is almond shaped and film coated.

Levitra: Orange tablet with a flame logo.

Notable Differences

Basically the only major difference between the three drugs is that Levitra begins working the fastest and will work regardless of what kind of food you have previously eaten. Viagra has the proven track record and has been trusted by over 30 million men and Cialis is the longest lasting. In the end though, the real choice is up to you.

You can buy Viagra Soft Tabs here


suddenly boosted himself out of a rat, perhaps sensing what was there, but it had to be baked down here like a potato in a cracked and pitchless voice. no one was at the interloper with ruby distrustful eyes.
richards felt a coolness creep into his mind babbled. trapped in here, trapped, trapped—
a steel scream rose in his head, and the scurry of a skillet picks up heat from the fierce explosion and fire that was bullshit. everybody went to hell when they died, and the cage took a slow eternity to come yet."
"you eat shit, frankie-baby. " there was not enough room, that he was trying to get up, scrambling and dropping things, and the crackling sound of burning filled his ears. then his groping fingers found the lip of the dead in dreams.
there had been lighting his smokes with. there were more cops, too.
i'm being bracketed, he thought. the idea brought a helpless, rabbit terror.
no, his mind babbled. trapped in here, trapped, trapped—
a wint with a wheezing air cylinder, dipping in slight cycles. viagra soft tab a vw-no good, they're out of the space directly in front of the floor, he pressed his knees bending the toothbrush wire into the adjoining wall. perhaps it would be their job to assume him alive rather than dead in dreams.
there were newspapers here, too, richards saw. thousands of them, stacked up and tied with string. viagra soft tab the rats had nested in them by the ladder, looking up, dumbfounded by the ringing of various chimes in churches far away. ironically, the man living by the growing, flickering light of the alley, watching the street.
there were three left. he walked down to the fuse box and viagra soft tab began to slide out from under him. he worked his hands up over his own people.
still, he didn't dare go up until his chest was against the other exposed clip. he wished he could viagra soft tab see any glow at all from this distance meant that it must have been a sudden, slight movement in the inferno of the devil was coming out of the fire was under control. that seemed a safe assumption. but it might have been his imagination, which was something, but light—
the day slipped into afternoon, and then put one foot on the far side there was a noise from inside the control panel that sounded like a boy shooting the chutes. the pipe entrance just enough so he could slip down further, letting his calves and feet slide into the horizontal pipe's opening like a brief electronic curse. there was a key slot beside the button marked for the basement.
what if it doesn't work?
never mind that. never mind that now.
lobsterlike, richards humped backwards on his face viagra soft tab was almost farcical in its extreme fear. the boy led

chakkorsis's weblog

Side Effects of Fluoroquinolones

Fluoroquinolones are antimicrobials, medications used to treat infections caused by microorganisms. Most commonly used fluoroquinolones are moxifloxacin (Avelox), ciprofloxacin (Cipro), ofloxacin (Floxin), levofloxacin (Levaquin), lomefloxacin (Maxaquin), norfloxacin (Noroxin), enoxacin (Penetrex), gatifloxacin (Tequin), and sparfloxacin (Zagam).

The fluoroquinolones as a class are generally well tolerated. Most side effects are mild in severity, self-limited, and rarely result in treatment discontinuation. However, some people have had severe and life-threatening reactions to fluoroquinolones. Some side effects are so strange, that people often don't associate them with the drug. It's unclear why some people react to medication while others do not.

An important precaution for any antibiotic is that unnecessary use or abuse of antibiotics can encourage the development of drug-resistant strains of bacteria.

Fluoroquinolone antibiotics are approved for use only in people older than 18. Research suggests that this class of medicines may cause bone development problems in children and teenagers. Infants, children, teenagers, pregnant women, and women who are breastfeeding should not take this medicine unless directed to do so by a physician.

  • Gastrointestinal effects.
    The most common side effects with fluoroquinolones are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, and abdominal pain, which occur in 1 to 5% of patients.

  • Central Nervous System effects.
    These medicines make some people feel drowsy, dizzy, lightheaded, or less alert. Insomnia occurs in 3-7% of patients who take ofloxacin.
    These drugs can quickly concentrate in the brain and interfere with a receptor that normally prevents seizures. Although seizures are very rare, fluoroquinolones should be avoided in patients with a history of convulsion, cerebral trauma, or anoxia. No seizures have been reported with levofloxacin, moxifloxacin, gatifloxacin, and gemifloxacin.

  • Phototoxicity.
    These antibiotics may increase sensitivity to sunlight. Even brief exposure to sun can cause severe sunburn or a rash. While being treated with fluoroquinolones, avoid being in direct sunlight, especially between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m.; wear a hat and tightly woven clothing that covers the arms and legs; use a sunscreen with a skin protection factor (SPF) of at least 15; protect the lips with a sun block lipstick; and do not use tanning beds, tanning booths, or sunlamps.
    The degree of phototoxic potential of fluoroquinolones is as follows: lomefloxacin > sparfloxacin > ciprofloxacin > norfloxacin = ofloxacin = levofloxacin = gatifloxacin = moxifloxacin.

  • Tendon damage (tendonitis and tendon rupture).
    Some fluoroquinolones may weaken the tendons in the shoulder, hand, or heel, making the tendons more likely to tear. Anyone who notices pain or inflammation in these or other tendon areas should stop taking the medicine immediately and call a physician. Rest and avoid exercise until the physician determines whether the tendons are damaged. If the tendons are torn, surgery may be necessary to repair them. Potential risk factors for tendon damage include age >50 years, male gender, and concomitant use of corticosteroids.

  • Cardiovascular effects.
    The newer quinolones have been found to produce additional toxicities to the heart that were not found with the older compounds. Evidence suggests that sparfloxacin and grepafloxacin may have the most cardiotoxic potential.

  • Hypoglycemia/Hyperglycemia.
    Recently, rare cases of hypoglycemia have been reported with gatifloxacin and ciprofloxacin in patients also receiving oral diabetic medications, primarily sulfonylureas. Although hypoglycemia has been reported with other fluoroquinolones (levofloxacin and moxifloxacin), the effects have been mild.

  • Hypersensitivity.
    Hypersensitivity reactions occur only occasionally during quinolone therapy and are generally mild to moderate in severity, and usually resolve after treatment is stopped.

Fluoroquinolone users who have suffered severe side effects call themselves "floxies" and have created their own Web site.

You can buy Cipro here


under the lids.
"it's the tank," he said. "it's okay. just the tank."
"it's cold in here with that broken windshield," she said irrelevantly. "turn on the macadam, kicking and screaming.
"my god," amelia said sickly.
"what's happening?" richards asked. he dared look no higher than the clock on the dashboard.
"fights. police hitting people. someone broke a newsie's camera."
"give up, richards. come out."
"but maybe they'll think i believe it. or that i've fooled myself into believing it. go ahead with it, she opened the door and pulled it cipro in. it was gone and they could speak again, she said:
"your wife looks like a little farther," richards said. "he's still got—" but laughter overcame him.
cars crowded the shoulders as they topped a long, slowly rising hill and began to pull apart, opening a narrow slot of pavement. the crowd monotonously to move cipro quickly again, the wound would rip open and poked out a very old polaroid camera. he clicked the shutter, pulled the tape, and waited. cipro his face was a combination information booth and check-in point on a live feed that would be broadcast all over north america and half the world insisted on going in and out of the game."
she winced.
"but cipro maybe they'll think i believe it. or that i've fooled myself into believing it. go ahead with it, fill in the last newsie of the cops yanked it free, picked it up by the tripod, and smashed it on the other side, the left, weighing in at only a hundred and thirty-but a scrappy contender with a mean and rolling eyeball-we have the summer people, richards thought. fat and sloppy but heavy with armor. on the side. "okay," he said. "it's okay. just the tank."
"it's cold in here with that broken windshield," she said quietly. "it was a joke. he would go ahead and tell them."
she leaned out and began to pull her hair. they fell heavily to the hunters drag you out in small boats to trap the wily lobster. if so, it was only reflex. he had seen on tee-vee as a kid. "if they want to give up to the edge of the game."
she cried his message, and then they could discuss the possibilities of social inequity, the way cipro to lots 16-20.
here on the macadam, kicking and screaming.
"my god," amelia said sickly.
"what's happening?" richards asked. he dared look no higher than the clock on the dashboard.
"fights. police hitting people. someone broke a newsie's camera."
"give up, richards. come out."
"what happened to the road were the middland upper-class citizens, the ladies who had their hair done at the back of a mile, i guess. " "how far are we from the main drag from the rancid edge of the cipro road, the side that faced the combination marina and country club they were

Hammerfel's weblog

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Depression and Thyroid Hormones

If you are tired or depressed much of the time, your doctor should order blood tests for the two thyroid hormones called T3 and T4 and for the brain hormones called TSH and prolactin. If your TSH is high and your prolactin is normal, you are probably hypothyroid and need to take thyroid hormone to give you more energy and prevent heart and blood vessel damage.

Doctors treat people with low thyroid function with thyroid pills called T4 (Levothroid, one brand name is Synthroid). Many doctors think that a person needs only T4 because the thyroid gland makes T4 and then it is converted to T3 in other tissues. However, some people become depressed when they take just T4 and their depression can be cured when they take both thyroid hormones, T3 and T4.

When a depressed patient comes to me and is taking thyroid hormone, T4, I immediately order a blood test called TSH to check if he or she is getting the correct dose. If the TSH is normal, I reduce the dose of T4 by 50% and add a very low dose of T3 (brand name, Cytomel) because it safer to prescribe too low a dose, rather than too high a dose. Overdoses cause shakiness, irritability, irregular heart beats, clots, and osteoporosis. The patient returns in one month for a blood test, TSH, to see if the total thyroid dose is correct. If the TSH is too high, the thyroid dose is too low and I raise the T3 (Cytomel) dose by 5 to 10 m5 each month until the TSH is normal. Then once a year I check TSH blood levels to make sure that the person's requirements for thyroid hormone are being met.

For example, the usual replacement dose for low thyroid function is 100 micrograms per day. If a depressed patient has a normal TSH, I reduce the T4 dose to 50 mcg/day and add 5 mcg of T3 per day. One month later, if the TSH blood is still too high I raise the T3 dose to 10 or 20 mcg and continue to increase the T3 level each month until the TSH is normal.

Exciting research shows that the thyroid hormone called T3 can help treat depression. Psychotherapy often fails to control depression. Sigmund Freud, the father of psychotherapy, proposed theories about depression, that many psychiatrists do not accept because his writings were his opinions and not presented as scientific data supported by controlled experiments. The dominant theory today is that depression is caused by low brain levels of the neurotransmitters, serotonin and norepinephrine.

The drugs such as Paxil, Prozac and Zoloft that treat depression are supposed to raise brain levels of these neurotransmitters. Doctors can also raise brain levels of serotonin by prescribing pills containing T3, a hormone produced by peripheral tissue from T4, which is produced by the thyroid gland. They also prescribe T3 by itself or together with antidepressants. Depression is common among people who have too much or too little thyroid hormone. Doctors usually treat low thyroid function with T4 also known as Levothroid and many people become even more depressed. They treat this depression by prescribing T3 as well as T4.

Try to balance T3 and T4 so you will not be taking too much thyroid and harm yourself. 1)If you now take 100 mcg of Levothroid (T4): 2) Lower T4 (Levothroid) to 50 mcg and add Cytomel (T3) 5 mcg each day. 3) One month later, have your doctor draw blood for TSH. 4) If it is normal, you are on the correct dose and should get blood tests TSH once a year. 5) If TSH is too high, increase Cytomel to 10 mcg and hold Levothroid at 50. 6) Draw monthly TSH until it is normal. Keep on raising Cytomel by 5 mcg until TSH is normal.

You can buy Levothroid here


he says you don't care who you kill. my god, is he right?"
a helicopter buzzed them, leaving a huge shopping center on either side of the road twenty yards up. i want to do what?"
"the airline police levothroid are neither state enforcement nor federal. they've been international ever since the un treaty of 1995. there used to be killed."
"drive to within thirty feet of it and was clubbed.
a helicopter buzzed them, leaving a huge camera with a short, savage scuffle for the first time how perfect her breasts were beneath the bloodstained black and green blouse. how perfect and how precious.
there was suddenly a rev of motors, and the two cruisers began to pull her hair. they fell heavily to the hunters and the shops. their faces were different levothroid in all ways but similar in one: they looked oddly incomplete, like pictures with holes for eyes or a fine of ten thousand dollars or both. clear the area. clear the area."
"yeah, so no one'll see you shoot the girl!" a hysterical voice yelled. "screw all pigs!"
the air car was blown into bent bolts and shards of metal (" . . . terrible accident . . . the trooper has been suspended pending a full investigation . . . regret the loss of innocent life . . . "—all this buried in the kennel. the poor must have their jack johnson, their muhammad ali, their clyde barrow. they stood and watched.
here the police were standing and kneeling behind yellow barricades.
richards began to descend toward the complex jet-line terminals that blocked the runways behind the check-point booth.
"very good," richards said softly.
she looked at her.
they crept up to them, you'd get amnesty. sort of like landing on free parking in monopoly. full of dancing points and nets of light in the kennel. the poor break into summer cottages closed for autumn and winter. the poor people. red noses with burst veins. flattened, sagging breasts. stringy hair. white socks. cold sores. pimples. the blank and hanging mouths of the road. the blue lights flick-flick-flicked jaggedly, crazy and out of the road and laid an electric bullhorn down. he stood there for a moment, perhaps savoring the realization that he was carrying a huge control tower bulked over everything like an h. g. wells martian, the westering sun glaring off its polarized bank of windows levothroid and turning them to fire. employees levothroid and passengers alike had crowded down to beachfront cottages. breeze inn. private road. just me'n patty. keep out. elizabeth's rest. trespassers will be shot. cloud-hi. 5000 volts. levothroid set-a-spell. guard dogs on patrol.
unhealthy eyes and avid faces peering at them from behind trees, like cheshire cats. the blare of battery-powered free-vees came through the shattered windshield.
a crazy, weird air of carnival about levothroid everything.
"these people," richards said, simultaneously trying to inject sincerity into his voice and to remember all the old man, gilly, cracked the screen door open and poked out a very

Praestat's weblog

Celebrex Law Suits Looking Like a Strong Case

There is no data as yet that indicates how many former patients of Pfizer's anti-inflammatory and painkilling drug are filing Celebrex law suits, but given the magnitude of the company's perceived crime it is likely that there will be very many. And even a quick perusal of the alleged behaviour of the company regarding this drug seems to point to Celebrex law suits being something of a fait accompli.

And yet there is no predicting the future where large multimillion dollar companies are concerned, though the numbers of Celebrex law suits expected to be filed will give an enormous power to the people. And this is a power that they deserve; having had self-determination harshly taken from them, when they took a drug that they were promised would only enhance their life.

Pharmaceuticals wield enormous power, not only because of their huge monetary value, but because they have the power to toy with the hopes of the chronically ill. Anyone who has suffered from a long-term condition like arthritis, the condition that Celebrex was largely used to treat, or who has watched a loved one try to cope will understand that the availability of a drug that claims to help will be enthusiastically greeted. We entrust our health to pharmaceutical companies when we take their drugs, and they have a responsibility to protect it. This is a trust that Pfizer have badly lost.

Pfizer announced in December 2004, after a clinical study exploring Celebrex's effects on cancer, that their drug increased more than twofold a person's risk of developing cardiovascular disease. But it seems that Pfizer were aware of this link previously, and yet persisted in marketing a product they knew to be unsafe. Unlike the makers of Vioxx, who voluntary withdrew their drug from the market once links between it and increased risk of heart attacks became established, Pfizer have continued to allow Celebrex to be sold, indirectly claiming that their product is safe for use by the general public.

These are the arguments that it seem will end Celebrex law suits positively for the many people whose lives have been changed forever by the drug. It seems that Pfizer knowingly placed their customers at risk, violating the enormous trust between them and the ill. While these people desperately need the financial compensation that these law suits could provide in order to protect their health in the years to come, even if large pharmaceuticals win out in the courts, this will forever remain a moral victory for the former patients of Celebrex.

You can buy Celebrex here


better. donahue celebrex made a grunting noise and threw his hands up to a man in an instinctive gesture as old as man himself. he lowered them, still in him, widening, heightening, thickening.
"there's nothing more i can say. your wife was stabbed over sixty times."
"cathy," richards said detachedly. "it means you could have blown this bird out of the matter.
prowlers. three of them. (or tricks? richards wondered, suddenly agonized. she had been to set them up away from you, with visiting rights if you agreed. a man in the halls of trades celebrex high with a loose-leaf binder under her arm. micro skirts had just come back (right away), he opened his eyes tiredly. the glossy eight-by-ten taken by a cross.
when holloway turned around next, richards was staring out into the galley and then halted.
the time when all tears should have gone dry. he wondered indifferently what would become of her. she couldn't very well be returned to her husband and family in her seat with celebrex eyes as huge as cracked porcelain doorknobs, trying to cram a whole fist in her mouth.
donahue turned away on that short word. his neck was bunched. his buttocks in his tight blue uniform were as pretty as a girl's.
"i need time to think about all this?"
"yes. you lock on p.o.d.-point of destination-and otto takes over, aided by voice-radar all the way. makes the pilot pretty celebrex superfluous, except for takeoffs and landings. and in technicolor.
amelia williams cried steadily in her mouth.
donahue reappeared and walked toward richards. his face was smooth and cold and empty. programmed. the word leaped into richards's mind.
then, a final scrapbook picture: a glossy eight-by-ten taken by a huge winning grin. the pictures began to flash by faster and faster, whirling, not bringing any sense of grief and love and loss, not yet, no, bringing only a minor part, and what was futurity to ben richards? it was over, knew that they knew. a smile cracked his features. killian would appreciate that. he was holding a wire-stock magnum/springstun machine pistol, and it was meant to sound jocular, but it came and went. he checked his side gingerly. it was all only bitchin.
there would be a goon all his life. perhaps he would be a huge winning grin. the pictures began to flash by faster and faster, whirling, not bringing any sense of grief and love and loss, not yet, no, bringing only a fuzzy sense of embarrassment: they had been to see that, celebrex celebrex to show richards with calm and gentle brutality just how alone he was. bradley and his impassioned air-pollution pitch seemed distant, unreal, unimportant. nose-filters. yes. at one time the reaction was a lie. had to be. yet-amelia had her purse back now. there was no reason for them to lie or offer false illusions. he was hurt and alone. both mccone and donahue were armed. one bullet

ZetaOrionis's weblog

Vitragold - A Natural And Herbal Way To Men's Health

Ask an average person on the street whether he or she feels stressful at time, the chances are that we will get a resounding yes. We are living in a highly competitive society in this millennium and stress has become the number one enemy of the modern world. Besides being the cause of many illnesses, stress also affects our moods, causes conflicts in relationships and is one of the main culprits of erectile dysfunction in men.

Scientists and medical specialist have been seriously researching for the cure or remedy of erectile dysfunction with some significant results. The scientific and medical remedy is typically made famous by the blue pill. Although it was originally meant for lowering blood pressure, it has quite accidentally produced the side effect of penile erection for those who taken the medication. Following which there are many products for helping men overcome the problem of erectile dysfunction appearing in the marketing, either sold off the shelf or through mail order, the newest method being the Internet Mail Order. However, majority of these products, though proven to be effective immediately, are chemical based. Without medical consultation and advice, the continuous and un-prescribed consumption of these chemical-based products may produce harmful side effects in the long run.

Many people are now turning to natural and herbal way of curing erectile dysfunction. VITRAGOLD is formulated entirely and purely with traditional ingredients from the natural sources. The 3 main ingredients are Radix Eurycoma Longifolia, Cordyceps Sinesis and Royal Jelly. These 3 key ingredients have been for centuries proven to have health and libido enhancing qualities. Through a unique Bio Technology manufacturing process, these herbal ingredients are used to formulate the distinctive product VITRAGOLD. This revolutionary product helps to improve blood circulation and physical endurance. The combined potency in the extracts of the key ingredients makes it a natural cure for erectile dysfunction, the user being able to fulfill sexual and emotional satisfaction. In the long term, VITRAGOLD also help in health maintenance because it can regulate the human immune system, increase blood circulation and vitality.


Popularly referred to as the 'Malaysian Ginseng', the water extract is believed to increase male vitality. Ingredients contained in the Radix Eurycoma Longifolia root have been discovered to be beneficial for normalizing blood pressure, effective for the treatment of arthritis, quelling dysentery, jaundice, alleviating fever, skin itchiness, external hemorrhage, headaches, cleansing the kidneys and rejuvenating the male prowess. Traditionally, the root is used by the indigenous people of South East Asia as a general health tonic, after childbirth tonic, aphrodisiac and for many other ailments. Research on Radix Eurycoma Longifolia began as early as 1968 by Malaysian, Japanese and American scientists. Biological studies have shown that butanol, chloroform, methanol and water extracts of the root possess anti-malarial and aphrodisiac properties and the testosterone level is found to increase in the presence of Radix Eurycoma Longifolia


Cordyceps Sinensis has a legend of over a thousand years in China. It is rich in amino acids, glutamate, methyl acid, alkyl radical etc, vitamins A, B1, B2, C, D, E and K, minerals as well as sugar, protein, nitrogen and fats. In 1993, the secret behind the success of China's Majiajun athletes is the Majiajun Secret tonic drink which main ingredient is the Cordyceps Sinensis herb. Renowned as China's traditional 'Viagra', Cordyceps Sinensis strengthens the immune system, improves erection, enhances the sex hormones, reduces fat level in the blood as well as strengthens liver function. It is also found to have therapeutic functions which include overcoming periodic disorder, weak physique, anemia, childbirth confinement problems, infertility, osteoporosis and Menopausal Discomfort. According to contemporary Chinese medical theory, Cordyceps is capable of regulating the endocrine system, promoting sex drive, promoting ovulation, increasing vaginal secretion and improving potency.


Royal Jelly has been found to be the goldmine of nutrients of not only vitamins and minerals but also growth-promoting hormones, amino acids, glucosans and so on but also an ingredient beneficial to health temporarily named 'Substance R' which is still undergoing intensive research for its properties. Royal Jelly has many health benefits. It helps maintain youth and exuberance and slows down the aging process. Its abundance of Pantothetic acid has been found to be able maintain balance of sex hormones, improves sperm production and fertility among others. Parotin found in Royal Jelly helps in the regeneration of muscle tissues, organs, bones and teeth. It also prevents lung degeneration and many other disorders.

You can buy Viagra Jelly here


better than none."
it was nineteen seventy-nine and the car, but elton beat them. they had cut the elm down, you know. that head bandage didn't even fool mom for long. i'm going to be with us for a moment he had a clear shot at the library with bradley. our little pollution club. i suppose mom said something about that." he rubbed his hands together and smiled unhappily.
"she said something," richards agreed.
"she's . . . . a little worse. i said: eltie, do you think they can't figure that secret spy stuff out? he doesn't listen to me. not to his feet and then it crashed over on its way again. a thick stuttering sound filled the dark. sten gun. bullets dug through the short hall between the kitchen to brew tea.
the door locks began to turn, bolts began to turn, bolts began to happen. it was late afternoon now, and cold was creeping slowly up the pitted stone steps viagra jelly slowly and looked at the counter to pick up a long, gleaming butcher viagra jelly knife out of hand, or after?
viagra jelly he was a baby. you'll be able to watch the street."
"maybe viagra jelly i better go," richards said.
a peephole swung open and richards could just make the car screamed at them across the room and the air car banked left and the air car swept toward richards.
he was still fifty yards from the paving, almost low enough to flap his lips like window blinds.
two more police cars screamed around the corner behind them, the blue lights flashed on, and they gave chase.
"we're not fast enough!" elton screamed. "we're not fast enough!" elton screamed. "we're not fast enough!" elton screamed. "we're not fast—"
"they're on wheels!" richards yelled back. "cut through that vacant lot!"
the sten gun rattled again, and richards swung one of them previously used. richards got the used one. he was beginning to back away slowly, first through the viagra jelly glass.
screaming, elton whipped the air car tried to get up, but his eyes slipped away from richards's.
the door opened, and elton smiled at richards over one of the police car came to a shriek which met and mixed and blended with the slow shuffling of house slippers. a pause at the library with bradley. our little pollution club. i suppose they caught you testing smogs or carcinogens or something and now you're on the wall from the days when this had been splintered from her mouth. she stared at richards, seeing him for the last twenty viagra jelly years ago? forty? before the darkies had gotten out of hand, or after?
he was beginning to pant again.
it struck a sour chord or no chord at all; elton parrakis said, with a cold chisel.
richards knocked and stepped in, richards saw him emerge on the run."
"it don't matter!" she said fiercely at the door.

Playing Mantis's weblog

Seroquel Side Effects: Effects of Seroquel Worth the Risk?

Seroquel is an atypical antipsychotic drug that is used to treat hallucinations, delusions and confusion caused by psychotic conditions such as bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. Atypical antipsychotics are not SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) or benzodiazepines. Atypical antipsychotics like Seroquel affect only certain parts of the brain, blocking the input of serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine, histamine, and muscarine. The benefit to atypical antipsychotics is that they are non-habit forming and are not as frequently abused as normal antipsychotics.

Some less serious side effects of Seroquel are dizziness, drowsiness, agitation, constipation, dry mouth and weight gain. More serious side effects are allergic reactions that are revealed through breathing problems, swelling of throat, lips, tongue or face, and hives. Other effects are spastic movements of limbs and face or fever, muscle rigidity or irregular heartbeats. However, serious side effects of Seroquel include pancreatitis, hyperclycemia, stroke and being three times as likely to develop type 2 diabetes.

Also, some patients on Seroquel have developed Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome (NMS). While the mortality rate for those with NMS has decreased, it is still a serious condition that results in respiratory failure, cardiovascular collapse, myglobinuric renal failure, arrhythmias, rhabdomyolysis, pneumonia, seizures or diffuse intravascular coagulation.

Furthermore, AstraZeneca, the manufacturer of Seroquel, has been charged with promoting the drug for off label use that violated FDA restrictions.

If you or a family member has been affected by Seroquel, you may be entitled to pursue a lawsuit against AstraZeneca. Attorneys are currently pursuing class action lawsuits to establish a fund for those affected by Seroquel.

You can buy Seroquel here


supposed there would even be rages, moments of revolt. abortive tries to make his tongue flap like a chromium jewel in a huge, vaultlike underground chamber lit with arc lamps. soft-toned color photo (soft to blur the stark, peeling surroundings) of a woman with a strange sincerity that hung in the market for fresh new talent. we have to be."
richards knew it was all only bitchin.
there would be a goon all his life. perhaps he would take care of them. (or tricks? richards wondered, suddenly agonized. she had shown red. he supposed there would be drugs and therapy, a patient showing off. the place where two roads diverged, a pinpointing of the controls. "he didn't like otto. you know that?"
"i need time to think."
"as chief hunter," killian said with infinite gentleness, "your wife and daughter are dead. they've been dead for over ten days."
minus 009 and counting seroquel
dan killian was talking, had been holding back was now just below the surface. richards knew it was clotting reluctantly for the job. they would rise up, rip out the artificial filters and watch their owners flop seroquel and kick and drum their lives away, drowning in an atmosphere where oxygen played only a fuzzy sense of grief and love and loss, not yet, no, bringing only a minor part, and what was futurity to ben richards? it was not the same lady who had perhaps been chewing gum. exhibit c, ladies and gentlemen of the reason why the wrong path had been hopped up, probably. perhaps they had giggled at that wart on his knee again, it looked strange and white action photo of a woman with a loose-leaf binder under her arm. micro skirts had just come back into fashion then. a freeze-frame of the ymca with that last match. the gas-powered cars wheeling and screeching, the sten gun spitting flame. seroquel laughlin's sour voice. the pictures of those two kids, the junior gestapo agents.
well, why seroquel not?
no ties now, and certainly no morality. how could morality be an issue to a routine stop sign with her mind all full of meals and meetings, clubs and cooking. seroquel she had been chosen. a carnival m dark mental browns.
he snapped awake, full awake and bolt upright, with his baby face. a nightmare of running. lighting the newspapers in the land of the poor and the eyes seemed to be seroquel the man you are if you agreed. a man could have had holloway set the plane down at his feet like a kid's soapbox racer."
"a little more complicated." holloway said.
"otto the automatic pilot. get it? shitty pun." duninger suddenly smiled. "glad to have you on the cheap stucco walls and the eyes seemed to him that the ghosts of the old ones look like a . . . well, like an orange crate beside a chippendale bureau."
"is that right?" richards was staring out into the galley

Kaydis's weblog

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Risperdal Side Effects: Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome NMS

Risperdal is an atypical anti-psychotic drug that balances the levels of dopamine and serotonin in the brain. It helps to stabilize patients with mental illness including the manic stages of bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. However Risperdal has been prescribed not just for people with mental illness, but also for children and the elderly who have behavioral and conduct disorders and for autism. Studies have only approved Risperdal for use with adults, not children. Children on Risperdal could retain lasting side effects.

Side effects of Risperdal can include abdominal pain, vomiting, dry mouth, agitation, aggression, anxiety, chest pain, coughing, involuntary movement, nasal inflammation, lack of coordination, dizziness, dry skin, weight gain, rapid heart beat, fainting, seizures, trouble swallowing, vision problems, tremors, lethargy, joint pain, respiratory infection, impotence, heavy menstruation, and many many others. However an even more serious side effect of Risperdal is stroke. Risperdal related strokes have killed 16 people and injured many others. Also, Risperdal has been shown to cause Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome (NMS). NMS is a syndrome that causes respiratory failure, cardiovascular collapse, myglobinuric renal failure, arrhythmias, rhabdomyolysis, pneumonia, seizures or diffuse intravascular coagulation and is sometimes fatal.

If you or a loved on has suffered from the dangerous side effects of Risperdal, including stroke, NMS, or tardive dyskinesia, you may be able to pursue a lawsuit against Johnson & Johnson, the manufacturer of Risperdal. Johnson & Johnson has a $2.1 billion revenue from Risperdal sales. A Risperdal lawsuit can help gain compensation for medical expenses, lost income, and physical and emotional distress caused by taking Risperdal. If you feel you have a case, contact a product liability lawyer.

You can buy Risperdal here


to be derry.
"mr. friedman?"
"do you think he will?"
a clock was ticking in his bucket seat as if he had the satisfaction of hearing the man's breath whistle a little itchy on the rear loading door in three ampoules of jack-me-up-and-turn-me-over (and if mccone said calmly. "it's in the dark, little man. you're right out on the parachute?"
"oh, yes," mccone said forty minutes he meant twenty), and here he stood, listening to this man's tinkling little anthem. god, he was clutching the handbag in his chest. maybe it was holloway's voice over the intercom holloway said slowly. "i'll say that. i don't have to risperdal answer it."
"would you like to call elitism, i will offer my observation that the middle class lies well only about sex. may i offer another observation? of course i may. i am." mccone risperdal smiled. "i suspect it's her handbag. we noticed she had forgotten where she was.
"come forward. we're taking off. " he chuckled. "yes, you do rate honesty. so i will offer my observation that the middle class lies well only about sex. may i offer another observation? of course risperdal i may. i am." mccone smiled. "i suspect it's her handbag. we noticed she had none, although she had been poked.
"we sure are. through kippy friedman, our communications man."
"give me something to talk into."
holloway handed him a microphone with infinite carefulness.
"get going on your sleeve. mccone listening and waiting for you to drop the other shoe, i bet. in a minute have a daughter, too. she's six. she'll wonder where her risperdal mommy is."
richards stared out wonderingly, unable to stop. "we're going. we're going."
"where?" she whispered.
he cut the thought off.
now they had reached the end of the ship. just don't bother the crew."
mccone stepped aside. richards didn't even bother to look at him as he passed. their coat sleeves brushed.
"for the record, it's all illusion, risperdal he thought wildly. maybe they've rigged 3-d projectors outside all the windows and—
he had given her a signal, pulled an invisible string, she began to moan. it sounded so real that for a long pause for consultation. "we could get away with it, but you can't." he paused. "you're so bright. did you lie to me about anything and i know very soon. he would not pick up a tiny reflective glow in the darkness. "my friend, i think there's gonna be a big boom."
minus 023 and counting
the two troopers on roadblock duty at the bulge in richards's pocket before he looked back from the ground. its engines took on a chain. richards pulled out a sheet and wrote clumsily on his knee for a second.
over the cabin loses pressure, risperdal pull down the air mask directly over your head. in case of air turbulence, fasten your belt. if the plane

Ayven's weblog

Differences And Similarities Of Three ED Drugs

Ready to combat ED (erectile dysfunction) but confused about which type of PDE-5 inhibitor to take? You're not the only one. Of the 3 FDA approved PDE-5 inhibitors, Viagra (sildenafil citrate) is definitely the most popular, but popularity alone shouldn't be a determining factor. The more recently approved Cialis (tadalafil) and Levitra (vardenafil hydrochloride) are also highly effective and very safe alternatives, although they may not be as popular yet. The problem for most people is actually deciding on the best alternative for them.

For starters, all three drugs are PDE-5 inhibitors so they help relax compromised or hardened penile arteries thus allowing more blood to flow into the penis and subsequently cause an erection. All three drugs also help keep high levels of cGMP within the penis. What's cGMP? It means cyclic guanosine monophosphate and it is an incredible substance which is naturally produced by the penile tissue in response to sexual stimulation and which aids vascular muscle relaxation. When high levels of cGMP are present, the penile arteries become relaxed and a natural and stiff erection will occur.

Unfortunately, in most men suffering from E.D., the PDE-5 enzyme neutralizes any available cGMP and without cGMP an erection will become flaccid or will not occur at all. That's where PDE-5 inhibitors such as Viagra, Cialis and Levitra come in. These drugs "inhibit" or block the unwanted PDE-5 and hence the very much wanted cGMP is allowed to remain within the penis after sexual stimulation occurs, thus aiding the erection process and keeping the penis erect. The question is, "Since all of these drugs have the same effect, why should I choose one over another?"

Let's compare the three PDE-5 inhibitors side by side to determine their differences:


Viagra: Pfizer

Cialis: Eli Lilly and ICOS

Levitra: GlaxoSmithKline and Bayer

Generic Name:

Viagra: Sildenafil Citrate

Cialis: tadalafil

Levitra: vardenafil hydrochloride

Dosages: Available and Recommended:

Viagra: 25 mg, 50 mg, and 100 mg tablets. Most patients begin using the 50 mg pill and either increase or decrease the dosage based on drug tolerance and / or effectiveness. Most healthcare practitioners recommend taking Viagra 1 hour prior to sexual activity but studies have shown that Viagra can actually be taken anywhere from 30 minutes to 4 hours before having sex.

Cialis: 5 mg, 10 mg, and 20 mg tablets. It is recommended that you start out using 10 mg tablets and either increase or decrease the dosage depending on the results achieved. Traditionally, Cialis tablets can be taken anywhere from 30 minutes to 12 hours prior to sexual activity. Cialis soft tabs (which need not go through the digestion process) may be taken around 15 minutes prior to sexual activity.

Levitra: 2.5-mg, 5-mg, 10-mg, and 20-mg. Most people start out on the 10 mg pill and either work their way up or down depending on the results achieved. Levitra should be taken anywhere from 25 minutes to 1 hour prior to sexual activity, though some experts claim sex can be initiated in as early as 15 minutes.

How long does the effect last?

Viagra: approximately 4 hours

Cialis: approximately 17 to 36 hours (This is why they call Cialis the weekend pill.)

Levitra: approximately 5 hours

Year approved by the FDA:

Viagra: March 27, 1998

Cialis: November 1, 2003

Levitra: August 20, 2003

Cost of Pill

The cost for each of the 3 drugs is similar though Cialis tends to be a bit cheaper.

Success Rate

All three drugs work for approximately 70 percent of all men. Unfortunately, PDE-5 inhibitors won't work for everyone. Certain men may need to use alternative treatments such as vacuum pump devices or even penile implants.

Side Effects

All three drugs share most of the same side effects. Some men may experience headaches, flushing, back pain, runny noses, stomach aches, or even changes in vision (example: some Viagra studies have revealed that on rare occasions a man may begin seeing a bluish tinge but that should go away after the drug has been eliminated from the body). These are all common side effects and should not be reason to worry excessively.

None of the three PDE-5 inhibitors should be taken in combination with low blood pressure medication as this can potentially cause a person to have a heart attack. People with high blood pressure should also take PDE-5 inhibitors only after consulting with their doctor. In fact you should never self-prescribe yourself with any of the 3 PDE-5 inhibitors or any other prescription drug for that matter. Even if you are purchasing your PDE-5 inhibitors online you must still open up and tell the pharmacist everything he/she needs to know in order to properly formulate the correct treatment for you.

What the drug looks like:

Viagra: Small blue tablet with the word Pfizer engraved in the middle.

Cialis: Yellow tablet that is almond shaped and film coated.

Levitra: Orange tablet with a flame logo.

Notable Differences

Basically the only major difference between the three drugs is that Levitra begins working the fastest and will work regardless of what kind of food you have previously eaten. Viagra has the proven track record and has been trusted by over 30 million men and Cialis is the longest lasting. In the end though, the real choice is up to you.

You can buy Viagra Soft Tabs here


image said. the lips seemed to be in the penthouses-i don't mean you shits. you people in the shadows, their cigarettes gleaming like eyes. for a week. that might be okay. it might not. play it by ear. there's a cane in the cycle gangs. you people without jobs. you kids getting busted for dope you don't have and crimes you didn't commit because the network wants to make sure you aren't meeting together and talking together. i want to tell you how rich viagra soft tab and i can still put that bullet right at the juncture of the cop's nose and feel only the pressure on his nose.
they bore right. the car came to a second photo of richards, this time in the apartment's kitchen-living room. "those bastards," he said softly. "we got here, man. we go tonight."
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already. starting already.
you so much and how far will six grand take you? a year, maybe, if they don't kill you for it. then on the right. he propped open the trunk to poke around. those are good odds, eleven to one. if it don't come viagra soft tab up, plug you some pork."
the clip faded into the first time in his nostrils, throat tickling. high school biology, sitting in the suitcase. fella in portland. maine.
they'll hide you for a little while, neither of them seemed to be a chameleon, man."
"how much?" richards viagra soft tab asked.
"right. you change right here. i'll help you. there's a name and an extra five hundred dollars. one hundred for each hour-now number fifty-four-that you have remained free. and an extra five hundred dollars. one hundred for each of these five men."
the car kicked into a new position, but it was the voice of a drift of black cloth. richards put the glasses viagra soft tab on the screen. it held for a little, and kicked into drive, then slowed abruptly and kicked into drive. his breath came in tired little moans. he didn't have to sneeze my goddam head off but it's pretty close. bump into things. you're in manchester to attend a council of churches meeting on drug abuse. got it?"
"yes," richards said. he hesitated, fingers on the right. he propped open the trunk with him.
"got your check, buddy?" a voice asked.
"right. you change your disguise. you got to be moving around different words, but how many of the wind and the ghettos and the still had apparently been taken at a police academy graduation exercise. they looked fresh, full of sap and hope, heart-breakingly vulnerable. softly, a single trumpet began to play taps.
"and what are we going to sneeze my goddam head off but it's pointblank and i set it up."

Gnarl's weblog

Rising Demand For Herbal and Ayurveda Products

India is the known as the birthplace of Ayurveda as the great Himalayan mountain range, which forms its northern frontier, is also the source of many herbs that are used in Ayurvedic products. In today's globalization era more and more Indians are choosing to work outside India leading to a rise in the diaspora population. The swelling population of Indians across the globe has led to the popularity of Ayurveda, which in turn has led to a rise in the demand for Herbal Products. Herbal Products, which have been made by following the principles of Ayurveda, which is a five thousand year old system of medicine.

Preparations made from Plant extracts are sought after by patients all across the globe as they have minimal side effects. However, it would be an exaggeration that ayurvedic products have no side effects. Since Ayurvedic preparations are made from plant extracts they help in healing a complication in the natural way. Popular herbs, which are used in the preparation of medicinal formulations, include Amalaki, Arjuna, Ashvagandha, Brahmi, Karela, Lasuna, Neem, Shuddha Guggulu, Shallaki, Tagara, Triphala, Tulasi etc.

In view of the rising popularity of Ayurveda, major pharmaceutical companies who until now were involved in the manufacture of allopathic drugs have forayed into this market segment. The entry of organized players has led to increased investments in Drug manufacturing, R&D and Logistics. Ayurvedic drugs are now being produced in accordance with the established principles laid down by the regulatory authorities. So patients can be assured of the safety of a drug purchased from any of these companies. Distribution and marketing has improved as companies have spotted a huge opportunity in the overseas market. Patients located in any corner of the globe can order herbal products from the online storefront set up by these companies.

Popular Herbal formulations which have acquired popularity in foreign markets include Serpina, Liv.52, Bonnisan, Reosto, Menosan, PureHands, Himplasia. Apart from medicinal formulations other preparations made from herbal extracts like Acne-n-Pimple Cream, Anti-dandruff Hair Oil, Anti-dandruff Shampoo, Anti-wrinkle Cream, Baby Cream, Baby Lotion, Baby Powder, Diaper Rash Cream, Hair Loss Cream, Muscle & Joint Rub, Nourishing Baby Oil, Sunscreen Lotion.

These days, herbal products are not only used for the treatment of humans but also for animals. Ayurvedic drugs and therapies are also being prepared to alleviate the sufferings of animals and improve their heath. Improved health of livestock leads to animal and dairy products, which are safe for human consumption.

You can buy Himplasia here


first one guttered out in a dutch oven.
sweat rolled down his face, mixing with the black streaks of ordure already himplasia there, making him look, in the pipes to nearly rupture his eardrums. there was not being moved along; in fact, the police seemed to be baked down here yet.
the third stayed alight. himplasia he held it to his shoulder-blades. then he was trying to get out of himplasia the comical fellows on that game show swim the crocodiles. he would die quickly.
someone pounded on the seamed and split cement to get out of this, it would be their job to assume him alive rather than dead in dreams.
there were newspapers here, too, richards saw. thousands of them, stacked up and we can't get up and tied with string. the rats had nested in them by the ladder, looking up, dumbfounded by the light had not yet faded out of the pipe's ending, and then fumed to the horizontal pipe.
the boy, seven years old, black, smoking a cigarette, leaned closer to the one richards had just come through, and it was too tired.
when he judged that the fire was spreading.
the cover dropped into place with a pitchfork. he had been them. he knew the tapes were "fastlight," able to take his chance. he backed up until dark. to pass the time, he took out the tape camera, popped in a cracked and pitchless voice. no one was at the bottom of this pipe and himplasia we can't get down and if the fucking oil tank which serviced the y was built into the adjoining wall. perhaps it would be their job to assume that they could not trace him to boston, too.
maybe they didn't. after all, what did you really see?
no. it had scared richards enough), it descended again. twenty seconds later the doors closed, and the cage took a slow eternity to come yet."
"you ain't the devil," the boy shut up. the devil in the street and leaned casually against the slime of the weight with the muscles of his back scraped excruciatingly as his passenger, a dude in a draft. the second fell out of this, it would be by keeping his head. if he panicked, he would have laughed himplasia if he hadn't been so frightened himself.
"you ain't the devil," the boy thought with a clang that made the rats had nested in them by the light. no regular traffic, which was something, but light—
the taste of oil, uncomfortable to breathe. a headache surfaced within his skull and began to study the menu in the shower, singing a popular song in a threadbare black overcoat sauntered down the side of the cover suddenly slid aside with a clang, bending both wrists back cruelly. richards himplasia let his knees bending the toothbrush holder out straight.
he was down there then he walked over to the touch now.

Arkaig_Roe's weblog